To get an idea of the breadth of subject matter our students pursue, have a look at
their final projects and theses. Contact cory.pike @ to inquire.
Ecotage!: A Game of Climate Uncertainty (Rune Davino-Collins, M.S.)
COAST Card: An Evaluation Case Study for International and Transdisciplinary Socio-Environmental
Collaboration (Pheng Lor/Pheej Lauj, M.S.)
Mad Mud and Strange Survival: a Meeting in the Undefined (Esther Mathieu, M.S.)
The Nature of Inclusion: Exploring Nature-Based Structured Experiences for Black Youth
and Their Families (Sydney Murray, M.A.)
In the Middle, at the Margins: Resilience, Novelty and Futurity at Lee Kay Conservation
Area (Maggie Scholle, M.S.)
Project ECO SLC: Using Digital Environmental Education to Promote Community Connection
and Resilience (Tessa Scheuer, M.A.)
Digital Ecologies of Access: Archiving Art-Based Narratives at the Intersection of
Disability and the Environment in Salt Lake City, Utah (Natalie Slater, M.S.)
Indigenizing the Junior Ranger Booklet at Antelope Island State Park in Collaboration
with the Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation (Fiona Summers, M.S.)
Extraction: Stories of Place, Displacement and Memory from Lark, Utah (Ashleigh Albrechtsen, M.A.)
Praxis: Toward a Critical Climate Justice Pedagogy (Maria Archibald, M.A.)
Home on the Rattlesnake's Range (Amber Aumiller, M.S.)
Landscapes of Transformation: Narratives from the Colorado Trail (Jenna Fisher, M.A.)
Notes from the Landscape of Grief (Maya Kobe-Rundio, M.A.)
Writing with Trees: Plants as Literary Characters & Epistemologies for Children (Sam Nelson, M.A.)
Developing Indigenous History and Culture Programming at Antelope Island State Park (Hannah Taub, M.A.)
CRUDE: Cultivating Pleasure in (spite of) Petroleum Culture: Commentary to Craftivism
from the PT of Extraction to the PT of Emission/Ejaculation (Madeleine Bavley, M.A.)
Ecocentric environmental education: using plants to connect & engage kids with local
ecosystems through an interdisciplinary curriculum (Laura George, M.S.)
Expropriation by degradation: cumulative environmental inequalities in northern Alberta
from the fur trade to the tar sands (Keith Scott, M.A.)
Green Consumerism: Exploring the Conundrum of Consuming ‘Green’ (Drew vonLintel, M.S.)
Crafting Principles for Sustainable Development: Negotiations in the Drafting of the
Earth Charter and the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development (Brandon Hollingshead, M.S.)
Stories of Business and Place: The Organizations of Salt Lake City's E2 Program (Shannon Lyon Cornelius, M.S.)
A Land of Milk & Honey: Family, Food & Faith in Utah (Carrol Firmage, M.S.)