Welcome, Current Master's Students!
All paperwork for your degree is right here. You'll find both EH program-related information, as well as info from The Graduate School. It won't make much sense without context, so we suggest you talk to staff, talk to your cohort and read our Handbook first.
Environmental Humanities Handbook & Forms
EH Graduate Handbook -- (effective August, 2021; any updated information or policies are published on this web site)
EHUM 6910 Independent Study Proposal Form
EH Graduate Student Travel Application & EH travel budget template; n.b. College of Humanities offers graduate travel funding and see section below for Graduate Student Travel Assistance from the Graduate School
EH Summer 2024 Fellowship Application
Prospectus Guidance & Prospectus Meeting Form
Request for Supervisory Committee Form
Graduate School Catalog & Forms
Navigating Graduate School aka "the Catalog" that includes policies and requirements for all graduate students at the University of Utah
Apply for Graduate Degree i.e., graduation application from the Registrar's Office
Graduate Language Requirements for the M.A.
EH requires standard proficiency, or the equivalent of one year's college study.
Graduate Student Travel Assistance
For virtual or in-person travel, may be used once/UU graduate career
Thesis Office, including Handbook for Theses and Dissertations
Tuition Benefit Information including Graduate Subsidized Student Health Insurance (GSHIP) for TA's and RA's