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Faculty feature: Dr. Rachel Mason Dentinger

Faculty feature: Dr. Rachel Mason Dentinger

Dr. Rachel Mason Dentinger is recently appointed faculty in the Department of History and she is the current Environmental Humanities Research Professor for the 2021-2022 term. Her research is in the history of science, in particular co-evolutionary studies, and how we study the relationships between insects and plants.

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Faculty Feature: Katharina Gerstenberger

Faculty Feature: Katharina Gerstenberger

Katharina Gerstenberger is Professor of German in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at the University of Utah. She served as the interim director of the Environmental Humanities Program for the 2020-2021 academic year. She also served as department chair for World Languages and Culture from 2012-2018. Katharina was the 2019-2021 Environmental Humanities Research Professor, and she is currently a Virgil C. Aldrich Faculty Fellow with the Tanner Humanities Center. She is researching and working on a book about nuclear narratives.

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Faculty Feature: Danielle Endres

Faculty Feature: Danielle Endres

Danielle Endres is a Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. She is also an affiliated faculty member in the Environmental Humanities Program. She recently received a National Science Foundation grant to research practices of energy democracy in Puerto Rico. Her research and teaching expertise lies in environmental communication, social movements, and Indigenous studies.

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Faculty Feature: Dr. Elizabeth Callaway

Faculty Feature: Dr. Elizabeth Callaway

Dr. Elizabeth Callaway is an assistant professor in English and core member of the Environmental Humanities Program faculty. Learn more about her interdisciplinary work in ecocriticism, digital humanities, and environmental humanities and see what she has to say to our incoming students.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23